Join in with our prayers below and click on links to see video or audio that has been sent from all people across CofE Birmingham.
We also have a print out version, click here.
Sunday 1 October
Remigius, Bishop of Rheims, Apostle of the Franks, 533
Dear Lord, today we give thanks for the start of a new
month. We thank you for all the beauty that we see in
Autumn such as the colours of the leaves changing
and the excitement new flavours in our lattes.
Monday 2 October
World Habitat Day
Gracious God, today we pray and hope that the drastic
urbanisation of cities all over the world, will also provide
shelter for all and not just for those with money or
resources. Just as your love spreads far and wide for
all people, we pray that anyone with power and
responsibility to shape towns and cities will do this in
your character.
Tuesday 3 October
George Bell, Bishop of Chichester, Ecumenist, Peacemaker, 1958
Todays prayer is inspired by James 1:2-3,
“My brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of
any kind, consider it nothing but joy, because you
know that the testing of your faith produces endurance”
Heavenly Father, may we feel comforted by your
steadfast love no matter the trials and tribulations that
we face, you are always by our side.
Wednesday 4 October
Francis of Assisi, Friar, Deacon, Founder of the Friars Minor, 1226
John Nightingale invites us to pray,
O God, the source of all grace, whose glory shines
in your saints: grant that as your servant Francis was
given a love for you and for all your creatures, so
your people may ever adore you in your works of
creation, and serve you in faith and love, through
Jesus Christ our Lord.
Thursday 5 October
National Poetry Day,
Dear Father, we thank you that you have given us the
gift of words and poetry and amazing writers that can
craft these gifts into something expressive, beautiful
for us to enjoy.
Friday 6 October
William Tyndale, Translator of the Scriptures, Reformation Martyr, 1536
October is Black History Month,
Compassionate God, who sent Jesus Christ to deliver
us from all manner of injustices and inequalities,create
in us new hearts and enlarged visions, to see the
image of God in every person irrespective of background,
race and ethnicity.May we be generous in our love of
others as we work towards ending misunderstanding,
racism and injustice; creating communities of human
flourishing, through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Saturday 7 October
Invitation to prayer today is from Amanda Featherstone,
Jesus our saviour, we pray for all our parishes today
and that their projects and launches florish and enable
people and families to meet with you and grow in faith.
We pray particularly today for St Mary’s Wythall for
their new Sunday 4pm congregation.
Sunday 8 October
Today’s prayer is inspired by Brandon Lakes song ‘Gratitude’
Loving Lord, sometimes we pray to you but words
escape us as we have no words to explain or cultivate
our true gratitude for all of your gifts, unadorning love
and ultimate sacrifce of Jesus. Lord, we will never be
able to give thanks enough for saving us - Hallelujah.
Monday 9 October
Denys, Bishop of Paris, and his Companions, Martyrs, c.250
John Nightingale has invited us to pray,
God of creation, the earth is yours with all its beauty
and goodness, its rich and overflowing provision. But
we have claimed it for our own, plundered its beauty
for profit, grabbed its resources for ourselves. God of
creation, forgive us. May we no longer abuse your
trust, but care gently and with justice for your earth.
Tuesday 10 October
Paulinus, Bishop of York, Missionary, 644
World Mental Health Day
Father of love, we pray for all those who suffer with
mental health issues of any kind. We pray that you
give them strength and encouragement to seek help
when needed, and we pray for wisdom in friends and
family of those suffering to recognise signs and
symptoms. We thank you Lord that you are always
there in our darkest days and provide a light and hope
for us to reach for when we otherwise cannot see.
Wednesday 11 October
Ethelburga, Abbess of Barking, 675
The Collect of the Day
Almighty and everlasting God,
increase in us your gift of faith
that, forsaking what lies behind
and reaching out to that which is before,
we may run the way of your commandments
and win the crown of everlasting joy;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Thursday 12 October
Wilfrid of Ripon, Bishop, Missionary, 709
Transforming Church prayer
Sovereign God, in Christ you make all things new.
Clothe us with power from on high,that with generous
lives and hearts on fire we might work with you to grow
your church and transform your world. To you be glory
through Jesus our Lord.
Friday 13 October
Edward the Confessor, King of England, 1066
Dear Lord, continue to give us strength and guidance
on how we can best serve you, keep us on your
righteous path and lead us back to it when we step off.
Saturday 14 October
We pray for all those at today’s Explore Day in the Aston Archdeaconary.
Father, we ask the creativity, joy and inspiration of the
Holy Spirit be keenly felt in all conversations and
thoughts. We pray for all those attending,that a lively
sense of purpose be found in what you, Lord, are doing
within our parishes, oversight areas and deaneries.
Sunday 15 October
Teresa of Avila, Teacher of the Faith, 1582
Father, thank you for making me in your image and
likeness. I’m no less than anyone else but an original,
designed by the loving desires of your heart.
Monday 16 October
Nicholas Ridley, Bishop of London, and Hugh Latimer, Bishop of Worcester, Reformation Martyrs, 1555
Challenge Poverty Week
Loving Father, we pray for the energy and creativity to
overcome poverty. Help us to understand the different
ways in which we may act, individually and with others.
Though this week grant dignity and hope to those in
poverty and help us to bare witness to your great
compassion for every individual.
Tuesday 17 October
Nicholas Ridley, Bishop of London, and Hugh Latimer, Bishop of Worcester, Reformation Martyrs, 1555
The People & Places prayer
Gracious and merciful God, as we pray for the future
of Church of England Birmingham, we thank you that
the whole earth, its people and places, are equally
precious to you. By your Spirit, equip us to meet the
challenges of these times with generosity and courage;
hold our fears and uncertainties in your love, and grant
us the needful gifts of grace to share your love and
reflect your light throughout our communities.
In the name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ,
Wednesday 18 October
Luke the Evangelist
Olwyn Powell invites us to pray,
Lord, after the traumas that have engulfed us in the
U.K. recently, we pray for all those affected by them.
May we always have principles of “open justice” and
see that they continue to be fair.
Thursday 19 October
Henry Martyn, Translator of the Scriptures, Missionary in India and Persia, 1812
O God of the nations, who gave to your faithful servant
Henry Martyn a brilliant mind, a loving heart, and a
gift for languages, that he might translate the
Scriptures and other holy writings for the peoples of
India and Persia: Inspire in us a love like his, eager to
commit both life and talents to you who gave them;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Friday 20 October
Prayer today is inspired by Psalm 106:1,
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
Satrurday 21 October
Today we offer prayers as the first of the Oversight Area Formation sessions begin today
God, who in generous mercy sent the Holy Spirit
upon your Church in the burning fire of your love:
grant that your people may be fervent
in the fellowship of the gospel
that, always abiding in you,
they may be found steadfast in faith and active in service;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Sunday 22 October
International Stammering Awareness Day
Lord, today we give thanks for the amazing methods
and charities that have developed for helping anyone
with a stammer or speech impediment. We pray that
you continue to give a voice to all to be heard.
Monday 23 October
Glorious Creator, bless the children that are on half
term this week and let there time away from learning
be full of love and happiness, growth and contentment.
Tuesday 24 October
Heavenly Father, bless our community with unity,
understanding, and compassion. May we support one
another through challenges and celebrate our joys
together. Guide us in working harmoniously to create a
better, more connected, and loving environment for all.
Wednesday 25 October
Crispin and Crispinian, Martyrs at Rome, c.287
Father God, guide the UK government and its leaders
with wisdom, empathy, and a commitment to justice.
May their decisions bring prosperity, unity, and
wellbeing to all citizens.Grant them strength, that
they may lead with integrity and compassion.
Thursday 26 October
Alfred the Great, King of the West Saxons, Scholar, 899
Revd Colleen Shekerie, LGBT+ Chaplaincy Team invites us to pray,
Holy God, Spirit of Love, you embrace us with your
infinite Love. Give us wisdom and fill us with the spirit
of reconciliation, so all creation may be one in you.
We ask for your loving protection for all your children;
for our community, our brothers and sisters who are
being persecuted for who they are. We pray
especially for the LGBTQ+ communities in Uganda
and other countries where the threat of imprisonment
and the death penalty cause torment and create
anxiety in those who long to be themselves. Create a
right and just spirit in those who would deny basic
freedoms to those whom they seek to marginalise.
Defend all who uphold justice and speak truth to power
in the face of danger. In the name of Christ,
Friday 27 October
Bless the paths that cross today; the old friends and
strangers with whom we might share a pleasant
greeting, a smile or maybe something deeper. Grant
us a word in season that might resonate within and
bring a blessing to your precious children.
Saturday 28 October
Simon and Jude, Apostles
Loving Jesus, help us to put aside preconceptions
about other people, and simply accept that they,
like us, are precious in your eyes.
Sunday 29 October
James Hannington, Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa, Martyr in Uganda, 1885
A prayer for Daylight Savings today
Lord, as we adjust our clocks, grant us energy and rest.
Gently fill us with your wisdom and the gratitude to
cherish your seasons.
Monday 30 October
Heavenly Father, in your love, we find courage and
peace. With You, there’s nothing to fear.
Tuesday 31 October
Martin Luther, Reformer, 1546
Today’s prayer is inspired by Psalm 119:105,
“Your word is like a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.”
Merciful Father, today we ask you to keep your hand
on any children and families that are out doing a Light
Trail this evening. May we always remember that you
are the one true light of this world and nothing can
overcome you.
For Light Trail resources please see our website here.