Join in with our prayers below and click on links to see video or audio that has been sent from all people across CofE Birmingham.
We also have a print out version, click here.
Friday 1 September
Giles of Provence, Hermit, c.710
John Nightingale invites us to pray,
Creationtide begins with the day of St Giles,
who was wounded by an arrow as he
protected a deer. May we like him revere
the natural world, protecting creatures that
are weak from the violence of the strong.
Fill us, Lord, with your love for all you have made.
Inspire us with the Spirit that breathed over the
waters, that we may further your Kingdom, and
manifest in our lives Christ’s reconciling work.
Saturday 2 September
The Martyrs of Papua New Guinea, 1901 and 1942
Dear Lord, Thank you for this beautiful new
day, help me to live today, hand in hand
with you. Amen
Sunday 3 September
The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
This month is Second Hand September,
Heavenly Father, thank you so much
for all the resouces you provide for us. Help
us to use the gift of wisdom and continue to
come up with new ways that we can reuse and
recycle our materials, in the hope that we can
make a postive impact on the climate change
we are currently experiencing. Amen
Monday 4 September
Birinus, Bishop of Dorchester (Oxon), Apostle of Wessex, 650
Loving Lord, we give thanks for the Eternal Wall
of Answered Prayer that is coming to fruition in
Coleshill. We thank you for your inspiration,
and for the team that are working to bring a
beacon of hope to the Midlands, for all to see
in 2026. We pray for continued support of this
joyful project, and for people to share their own
stories of prayer and encouragement with the
Eternal Wall team. Amen
Tuesday 5 September
Barrie Scott invites us to pray,
Living God, we pray for all children who are
nervous about starting their new school year.
We pray for their schools and their leaders, that
they may support and affirm all children in their
growth and flourishing in the Christian ethos of
their schools. May they seek to combat all forms of
bullying and prejudice particularly homophobic and
faith-based bullying.
Wednesday 6 September
Allen Gardiner, Missionary, Founder of the South American Mission Society, 1851
Lord we pray that the Common Fund this
year is fruitful and bountiful, we pray that
the churches and congregatons feel financially
comfortable enough to be generous in their giving
to help support the Common Fund in 2023.
Thursday 7 September
Lord, thank you for the blessing of family.
Fill our hearts, friendships and homes with
your truth and forgiveness. Amen
Friday 8 September
The Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Today is the Anniversary of the death of Queen Elizabeth II,
Eternal Father, today we remember the
anniversary of death of Her Majesty Queen
Elizabeth II. Though death in this world seems
final we know that there is an eternal kingdom
with you that is awaiting us. May we remember
our late Queen in love and fondness. In Jesus’
name, Amen
Saturday 9 September
Charles Fuge Lowder, Priest, 1880
Prayer today is inspired by National Emergency Services Day,
We give thanks for all those people who worked
through the summer season in order to keep
us safe; the emergency services, health staff,
workers in the power industry and the military.
Sunday 10 September
The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity
Creator God, for daily bread and all who work
to bring your harvest home we bring our
thanks today. Forgive our ingratitude we who
have so much yet waste what you have given.
Monday 11 September
Father, clear my sleepy head and fill my
mind with expectation. Awake my slow
body and energise my heart with love in action.
Ignite my spirit and set this day on fire with
promise. Make the ordinary extraordinary. Show
me your kingdom alive. Help me to see that every
waking moment is full of promise because of You.
Tuesday 12 September
The Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
whose only Son has opened for us
a new and living way into your presence:
give us pure hearts and steadfast wills
to worship you in spirit and in truth;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Wednesday 13 September
John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople, Teacher of the Faith, 407
September is Urology Awareness Month
Dear Father, we pray that you renew us daily
and keep our health strong. Give those in pain
or discomfort a sense of relief and peace, and
calm worries about any procedures or appointments.
Thursday 14 September
Holy Cross Day
We pray for FIPS (the Financial, Investments
and Property Sub committee) as they meet
today. Grant them your wisdom in decision
making and inspire new membership to come forward
Friday 15 September
Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, Martyr, 258
Prayer today is inspired by Jeremiah 29:11
For surely I know the plans I have for you,
says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not
for harm, to give you a future with hope.
Saturday 16 September
Ninian, Bishop of Galloway, Apostle of the Picts, c.432
Prayer today is for World CleanUp Day
Today on World CleanUp Day we
recognise our need to serve each other
and our planet. Father, we pray that all
those who are out picking up rubbish today
stay safe and protected. We pray that more
people all over the world recognise your
beauty across the landscape and try to look
after our planet more in future. Amen
Sunday 17 September
The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
John Nightingale invites us to give thanks,
On this her Saints Day, Hildegard of Bingen,
musician, poet, theologian and abbess,
observed the wonder and splendour of
nature. She saw a divine underpinning
which sustained not only the earth, but the
cosmos. “Creation is the song of God,” she
said. “Human beings are the thinking heart,
called to be co-creators with God in shaping
the world.”
Monday 18 September
Dear Father, we pray for the new staff that
are starting in the CofEB Finance Team, that
they enjoy and find fulfilment in their new role.
We also pray for those leaving and moving on to
different paths. Lord, bless everyone in their new
ventures. Amen
Tuesday 19 September
Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of Canterbury, 690
Lord, you are ever watchful and bless us
with your gifts; as you provide for all our
needs, so help us to build only what pleases you,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Wednesday 20 September
John Coleridge Patteson, First Bishop of Melanesia, and his Companions, Martyrs, 1871
Prayer today is inspired by Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to
my path
Thursday 21 September
Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist
Lord, you have a plan for me, for my life.
Help me to keep the faith and walk
steadfastly in the ways that you lead me.
Guide my thoughts today in the midst of
this week, and even as the week
progresses, may I always take time to
commune with you and praise your name.
Friday 22 September
Today is World Car Free Day
God of grace, you have blessed us with
the ability and technology to build all types
of amazing cars that help us navigate daily
journeys. Today on World Car Free day we
recognise the dangers in this transport mode
such as collisions, accidents, and pollution to our
planet. We continue to pray for your guidance to
make our roads safer, and reduce emissions and
pollution from cars. Amen
Saturday 23 September
We pray for all those at today’s Explore
Day in the Birmingham Archdeaconry.
Father, we ask the creativity, joy and
inspiration of the Holy Spirit be keenly felt in
all conversations and thoughts. We pray for all
those attending, that a lively sense of purpose
be found in what you, Lord, are doing within the
parishes, oversight areas and deaneries
Sunday 24 September
The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity
Lord, thank you so much for Your gift
of salvation and Your many promises
that bring us hope, peace, and joy. May we
see today all we have to be thankful for. In
Jesus Christ’s Name, we pray, Amen.
Monday 25 September
Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Winchester, Spiritual Writer, 1626
Olwyn Powell invites us to pray,
We pray especially this month for all young
people who will be transitioning to another
school, those starting school for the first time and
those, perhaps, leaving home to study at College/
University. Be with them Lord. Amen
Tuesday 26 September
Wilson Carlile, Founder of the Church Army, 1942
Todays prayer is inspired by Gospel Song
Impossible by Pastor Mike Jr.
You can watch this video on YouTube or chose your own.
Lord you save us, help us, and cherish us every
day. You do the impossible for us your children
out of love. We are so greatful and thankful for
your unending love, and patience with all of
Wednesday 27 September
Vincent de Paul, Founder of the Congregation of the Mission (Lazarists), 1660
The Collect of the Day
Merciful God, whose servant Vincent de Paul,
by his ministry of preaching and pastoral care,
brought your love to the sick and the poor:
give to all your people a heart of compassion
that by word and action they may serve you
in serving others in their need;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Thursday 28 September
Prayer today is from the Clewer Initiative,
Lord, you are a God who sets the captives free.
Your Spirit searches restlessly for those in
despair, that they may find the life you are
calling them to. We pray for those who are
being trafficked and callously put to work in
our region. On the cross, you were
powerless and subject to the cruelty of others.
Look with mercy on those who suffer this way.
May we, who are blinded by the shallow
distractions of daily life, feel the fear of the
cornered and be roused to action.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Friday 29 September
Michael and All Angels
Prayer today is for the Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning,
Lord we come to you for respite and strength
in sickness. Cancer is one of human kind’s
biggest struggles and so many people face
the disease or have a loved one inflicted.
We pray that by your grace and mercy we
will soon find a cure and can bring peace to
families across the world. Until that day we
continue to pray for love, support and strength
and the fundraising efforts for charities
supporting those living with cancer. Amen
Saturday 30 September
Jerome, Translator of the Scriptures, Teacher of the Faith, 420
Heavenly Father, I come to you to find rest
from my heavy labor. Take my yoke and
give me yours, which is easy. I exchange my
burden for yours which is light. Every load and
circumstance that is making me to lose heart,
Lord I bring them at your feet.
Strengthen me in my weakness. Let me know
that when I am weak then I am strong, because
your strength is made perfect in weakness.