About Church Schools

The Church of England has been providing education in a formal way through its Church schools for over 200 years. In fact, Church of England Birmingham can date one of its schools back to the 17th century and supports over 25% of all Primary schools nationally.

Vision, Mission and Purpose

The Church of England Birmingham's DBE has a strong commitment to ensuring that all people within its schools have the opportunity to flourish, within an understanding of what God desires for humanity.  Believing that human beings are ‘created in the image of God’ (Genesis 1.27) our schools should be places where each may learn and grow to become more fully what we were created to be.

The Education team works to support and challenge every school so that they can do their utmost to guarantee that all pupils, given their differing starting points and individual learning needs, will achieve and make at least good levels of progress in English and Maths.  

We are about supporting schools to enable excellence in our schools within a distinctively Christian framework.  Here is some information about our Vision and Values.  

Church of England Birmingham Vision & Values

CofE Vision for Education: Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good 

In this section

+ CofE Education Office

+ Diocesan Board of Education

+ The Education Team

+ Our Offers to Schools

+ Our Academy Trust

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