
Over the last few years, an exciting link has developed between Birmingham and Bolivia. It has been a blessing to receive a group from Bolivia in the past and trips from Birmingham colourful cut out of  the Birmingham districts with an arrow towards a cut out of Bolivia with the flag overlayed with the text have also taken place.  Bishop David led a group from Birmingham with a particular emphasis on the formation and training of both lay and ordained leaders.

Although in a different way, Bolivia is as multi-cultural as Birmingham, and the challenge of sharing the gospel across cultures is just as great. The vision for intercultural mission in Birmingham (see article) fits very well with Bishop Raphael’s vision for intentional discipleship and it is hoped that a partnership into the future could prove very fruitful.

The trip included visits to Santa Cruz and Cochabamba in the centre of the country, La Paz (the Capital) on the western side of Bolivia and Tarija in the south.

Below are a number of snapshot videos of some of the things the team experienced and the people they met.


Introducing Santa Cruz

Bishop David reflects on the first part of his visit to Bolivia. More details in following films.



Community for rehabilitating addicts based on principles of Yeldall Manor, Oxford.


Al Farero

A project—connected to the local Anglican Church—supporting students and training leaders.


Church Planting

The church in Santa Cruz are involved in a needy community to the north of the city.


Home Groups

Home groups form an important part of discipleship at Cristo Luz del Mundo Church.


Introducing La Paz

Bishop David reflects on the capital city of Bolivia. More details in following films.


Mission Learning

There are mission learning links growing between the Anglican Church and Marcelo Vargas.


Gospel Vision

Pastor David shares the vision for training and equipping leaders in La Paz and wider.


Birmingham Visit: Cochabamba

Sonia Yucra shares the impact of her own visit to Birmingham with a team in 2016.


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