Reader CMD Continuing Ministerial Development

My teaching is not my own, it comes from the one who sent me.”  John 7:16

There are over 200 licensed Readers within Church of England Birmingham, and we offer regular training opportunities in order for Readers to enhance their wider ministry. All Readers commit to life-long learning and regular reflection in ministry from Admission and first licensing.

Specific training events for Readers are organised as part of the Readers' CMD programme. These are planned by a team made up of Readers and the Head of Ministry Formation. There are usually three training days in this programme each year: a Saturday in May (often on a Biblical or pastoral theme), a training day in early September for Readers wishing to train for Funeral Ministry, and a Saturday in the Autumn which focuses on the particular book of the gospel for the coming preaching year.

It is helpful to know of training opportunities which Readers in CofE Birmingham have found useful and also your own training needs. If you have news to share on these please give details to your Deanery Warden or Michelle Grannell, Assistant Warden.

Grants are available from both the Birmingham Readers’ Association (BRA) and Central Readers Council to support Readers wishing to pursue further study and training to develop their ministry. See Grants for Further Training for further information.


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