Safeguarding Training

The Church of England requires everyone who has a role as a volunteer, worker or officer to attend safeguarding training every three years. You can read The Church of England's safeguarding learning and development framework here

Parish Roles

Download a guide to safeguarding training for parish roles here

How to Complete Training

(for who needs to do what scroll down to find your role)

1. Basic Safeguarding Awareness (approx 75 minutes)

2. Safeguarding Foundations (approx 90 minutes)

Complete online on at The Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal

3. Safeguarding Leadership Pathway

Book to attend a Zoom session here 

Download your Safeguarding Leadership Participant Workbook here

Download our Zoom FAQs for safeguarding training here

Download a copy of the Safeguarding Leadership Presentation here 

4. Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse

Complete online at The Church of England Safeguarding Training Porta

5. Safe Practice in Pastoral Ministry (optional)

Book to attend a Zoom session here

6. Safer Recruitment & People Management (approx 90-120 minutes)

Complete online on at The Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal

7. Parish Identity Verifier Induction

Download a copy of the presentation here

8. Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator Induction

Book to attend a session here

9. Safeguarding PTO Pathway

Book to attend a session here

Download the PTO pathway participant workbook here

Download the PTO presentation here


Clergy, Readers, Licensed Ministers, Ordained Local Ministers

... must complete:

1. Basic Safeguarding Awareness

2. Safeguarding Foundations

3. Either Safeguarding Leadership Pathway (licensed ministers) or Safeguarding PTO Pathway (ministers with PTO) - renewal every three years

4. Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse - renewal every three years

5. Safe Practice in Pastoral Ministry (optional)

Area Deans, Incumbents, Priests-in-Charge,Team Vicars and other roles involved in appointing employees and volunteers must also complete:

6. Safer Recruitment & People Management- renewal every three years


Commissioned Pastoral Team Members

... must complete: 

1. Basic Safeguarding Awareness

2. Safeguarding Foundations - renewal every three years

4. Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse - renewal every three years


Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinators

... must complete:

1. Basic Safeguarding Awareness

2. Safeguarding Foundations

3. Safeguarding Leadership Pathway - renewal every three years

4. Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse - renewal every three years

5. Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator Induction 

6. Safer Recruitment & People Management- renewal every three years

7. Annual Resource & Recognition Day (recommended)

The next day will be held on Saturday 2nd March 2024


Parish Roles

All volunteer and paid roles

... in the parish church are required to complete:

1. Basic Safeguarding Awareness - renewal every three years

PCC Members and Church Wardens

... are required to complete:

1. Basic Safeguarding Awareness 

2. Safeguarding Foundations - renewal every three years 

4. Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse - renewal every three years 

Church Wardens in a parish in vacancy

… are required to complete:

1. Basic Safeguarding Awareness

2. Safeguarding Foundations

3. Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse - renewal every three years 

4. Safeguarding Leadership Pathway renewal every three years

Roles that work with children, young people, vulnerable adults and families with children

… are required to complete:

1. Basic Safeguarding Awareness 

2. Safeguarding Foundations – renewal every three years

... are recommended to complete:

3. Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse - renewal every three years (This course is a requirement rather than a recommendation for pastoral visitors)  

Roles involved in safer recruitment, line management or supervision and Parish Identity Verifiers

... are required to complete:

6. Safer Recruitment - renewal every three years

Parish Identity Verifiers must also read:

7. Parish Identity Verifier Induction


Optional Safeguarding Courses

Safe Practice in Pastoral Ministry

A session for all lay and ordained ministers and leaders to consider their roles and responsibilities in relation to pastoral ministry including recognising and managing challenging behaviour, developing pastoral skill in risk assessment, recording, reporting and sharing information appropriately and establishing safe working practices that connect the expectations of The Church of England with personal theology.

Book to attend a Safe Practice in Pastoral Ministry (optional) session here


Modern Slavery

Two e-learning modules for anyone who wants a basic understanding of the issues of modern slavery and for leaders and helpers of social action projects

Complete the Introduction to Modern Slavery and Safeguarding & Social Action Modules here


The Prevent Duty and Radicalisation

An e-learning module from HM Government for anyone who wants to understand more about the Prevent Duty and how to safeguarding vulnerable people from becoming radicalised to support terrorism or become a terrorist themselves.

Complete the Introduction to the Prevent Duty and Radicalisation module here


County Lines and Child Exploitation

A podcast from the Children's Society to raise aware of County Lines is available here

The Clewer Initiative provide training for churches on different forms of exploitation linked to modern slavery on their website here


The Gospel, Sexual Abuse & the Church

A small group resource for the local church to explore safeguarding from a theological perspective

Download the resource here


Forgiveness & Reconciliation in the Aftermath of Abuse

A theological response to abuse for ministers and leaders

Download the resource here



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