The Road to Glasgow
21st June 2021Increasingly the world's environmental hopes and fears are focused on the COP26 conference to take place in Glasgow in November 2021.
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Increasingly the world's environmental hopes and fears are focused on the COP26 conference to take place in Glasgow in November 2021.
There is growing excitement across the West Midlands in anticipation of the Commonwealth Games 2022
A Pilgrimage from your own home, a chance to punctuate your day with prayer and reflection using the rhythm of a community in Taize, France, who have been worshiping this way for decades.
This year the lorry is to be loaded on Saturday 12 June.
Amazed at the turn of the earth for warmer days I have been more attentive to what is given and life-giving as May heralds creation and creativity. This year will it also be marked by pared-down priorities for wiser and more considerate living?
Coleshill parish church choir stall end bears a likeness to Sesame Street's Big Bird
Bishop Anne writes on modern slavery and the part our churches can play.
The Church of England Birmingham is focussed on the CofE target for all parts of the church to work to become carbon 'net zero' by 2030
From Lament To Action: the report of the CofE Archbishops' Anti-Racism Taskforce is published today. The Bishop of Birmingham, David Urquhart, said in response,
The first century Christian disciples were not ready for Jesus' death, nor for a rapid resurrection. Twenty-first century human beings were not ready for COVID-19, nor for a long disruption.