News & Stories

Confirmation of Election of the Bishop of Birmingham

27th November 2023

The Confirmation of Election of the Revd Dr Michael Volland as Bishop of Birmingham, took place in London at St Mary Le Bow church, home to the famous Bow Bells

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Bishop Anne encourages us to ‘think outside the box’ - Archdeaconry Explore Days

20th October 2023

Our second Archdeaconry Explore Day was held this Saturday at St Barnabas, Erdington. Over 130 delegates were discovering and learning more about church vocations and service at two Archdeaconry Explore Days.

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Statement from Birmingham Faith Leaders' Group on crisis in Israel and Gaza

20th October 2023

Our group of faith leaders and friends first came into being through a simple act of reaching out to one another in the face of terrorist violence, fear and prejudice. Today, as we struggle to find words to adequately respond to the events in Israel and Gaza, we stand together.

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HR Adviser increases Human Resource knowledge in CofEB parishes

4th October 2023

Laura Cohen is a HR Adviser who is funded through People & Places to provide HR Parish Support.  This HR support is designed to release people in our parishes who are involved in the administrative and legislative challenges that employing staff can bring, helping them to dedicate more time to missional activities in their community. 


“Be brave, do what you’re good at, and get stuck in!” – Explore Days

28th September 2023

On Saturday 23 September, St Peter’s, Hall Green, was bustling with people who came to discover and learn more about lay vocations at the first of our two Archdeaconry Explore Days.

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School’s ministry, discipleship, and the Journey to the Stable

21st September 2023

Emma Sargeant, Growing Younger Adviser in the Mission Support team at CofE Birmingham, has developed Discipleship Pathway resources on how to engage with children, young people, and families, as part of a project funded by the Church Commissioners.

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Youth 139 & Pineapple Youth Project – Rural and Urban Youth Ministry in action!

18th September 2023

Read about two Youth Groups in Rural and Urban contexts from their Youth Group Leaders.

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Celebrating the tremendous progress made towards Eco Diocese Silver Award

23rd August 2023

CofE Birmingham progresses towards the Silver Eco Diocese award thanks to the hard work across the churches...

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CofE Birmingham Church, Housing & Community project

23rd August 2023

CofE Birmingam's response to The Archbishop's Commission on Housing, Church and Community is well under way...


Church of England Birmingham celebrates 23 Ordinations

3rd July 2023

Twenty-three men and women were ordained in two distinctive services at Birmingham Cathedral on Saturday 24 June 2023

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